What We Do

A Proven Solution for Concrete Leveling & Repair

AAA Mudjackers specializes in concrete leveling, also known as mudjacking. Mudjacking and/or Slabjacking is a hydraulic way of lifting and stabilizing concrete. Whether it would be a driveway, sidewalk, garage floor, patio, or interior floor - any kind of concrete slab can be raised and stabilized. Mudjacking can also fill voids under concrete without disturbing the concrete.

How it Works

1. First, a minimum amount of holes are drilled in the sunken concrete.

2. Next, the AAA Mudjackers pumping compound is pumped into each hole. The compound works hydraulically underneath the concrete, raising it back to its original position.

3. Once the desired result is achieved, the holes are sealed off using a durable mortar mix. It’s as easy as that!

Typical Applications




Steps / Stairs

Garage Floors

Pool Decks

Interior Floors

“They just raised my walkway and front steps. Such a wonderful man to work with. Great price, fast, and easy procedure. I highly recommend this company!”

- Pamela Ott Wilson

Before & After

Before & After

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